Connecting the dots of Nagakute City – ジブリと里山、文化と歴史がある長久手のWebメディア






The history of Nagakute is much older than the Warring States period of the Battle of Komaki and Nagakute, and can be reliably traced back to the 8th century. Founded in the 8th century, “Ishitsukuri Shrine” is enshrined on the north face of Iwatsukuri.
In 8th-century Japan, there were actually only five shrines called Ishitsukuri-jinja Shrines. Three of them are in present-day Aichi Prefecture, and the shrine here in Nagakute City is said to be one of them. The enshrined deity is Ishizukuri no Muraji, the fifth generation descendant of Amenokaguyama no Mikoto, the ancestor of the Owari clan.

At that time, Aichi had deep seas and coves, just like Osaka and Edo. The sea was coming in from the west. It is believed that the stones quarried in Nagakute were transported by boat from there.
It seems that some stones were taken from the Tobu Sukeroku Burial Mounds in Nagakute and transported to the construction of Nagoya Castle, which began in 1607, but it seems that they were not quarried as before.
In 2013, Daikokujin and Ebisujin Shrine in the precincts commemorated the Ise Jingu Shikinen Sengu, and , which had been kept at Ishizukuri Shrine, was enshrined in the newly built shrine of the subsidiary shrine. rice field.

1960年 長久手生まれ。上郷保育園、長久手小学校、長久手中学校へ。菊里高校、青山学院大学英米文学科卒。英字新聞部「青山トロージャン」所属。編集プロダクションのMatsuoka & Associatesにて学び、編集工学研究所入所。 1990年、洋書写真集・美術書をリースするArt Bird Books設立、1992年中目黒駅前に店舗を構える。2009年から代官山蔦屋書店にて主に写真集のブックコンシェルジェとして勤務。2020年、Uターンで地元長久手に戻る。 『Canon Photo Circle』誌の写真集コラムを1年間連載後、「長久手タイムズ」を始動。


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